Functional documentation
Promotion Engine

Gridbees embarks a powerful promotion engine that can handle any kind of promotion.

A Promotion is defined by a set of Rules. Each Rule contains a set of Conditions that must all be verified to trigger a set of Behaviours that will modify your basket.

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Types of Promotions

Single-use promotional codes

Our promotion engine allows you to configure and export single-use promo codes. Gridbees can create millions of single-use promo codes in less than 10 minutes.

A single-use promo code can be used to buy with a discount. Once the purchase is made, the single-use promo code is burnt. This code can only be used once.

Limited-use promotional codes

A limited-use promotional code behaves like a multi-use promotional code, but the maximum use of this promotional code is limited to a certain number. For example, you can create a promotional code to be used only for the first 1000 orders. As soon as the limit is reached, the promotional code is no longer available.

A promotion can have several promotional codes with a limited number (separated by a semi-colon).


Multi-use promotional codes

A multi-purpose promotional code can be used by many customers. The customer must enter the code to trigger the promotion. Once the purchase has been made, the multi-purpose promotional code remains active until the end date of the promotion.

A promotion can have several multi-purpose promo codes, separated by a semi-colon. Each of them can be sent to different types of population in order to analyse the behaviour of each population, for example.

Promotional codes for special uses

By default, promotions do not need codes to work. A promotional code, if it exists, is only a condition to be fulfilled in order to be eligible.

Promotion structure

The Gridbees promotional item has the following properties:

  • status: created, published, unpublished
  • period, defined by start and end dates. If the status is "published", the promotion can be loaded by the pricing service
  • list of conditions, which can be applied to the basket, a basket line, charges, etc
  • list of benefits, to be applied if all conditions are met
  • priority, to define the order in which promotions will be applied

Promotions are created by merchants to boost sales. With Gridbees, sales are based on the offer catalogue.

An offer can contain:

  • one or more products, or a set of products
  • a price and price attributes for price segmentation
  • additional services with personalised prices
  • a publication period. During this period, the offer is active and can be ordered

Conditions rules

A rule can contains many conditions. All of these conditions must be verified to trigger the associated behaviours.

You can set a given condition to be verified for one criteria or another.


Generic conditions

Basket amount

A condition on the total amount of the basket to be compared with a value. Some basket lines can be filtered before the amount is calculated.

Example: For any basket amount ≥ 150.00 euros.

Line amount

A condition on the amount of a basket line to be compared with a value. The basket lines can be filtered before the amount is calculated.

Example: For a line with an amount ≥ 30.00 euros.

Offer type and quantity

Condition based on a list of offers. You can define a minimum quantity for each offer in order to satisfy the condition.

Example: If your basket contains Offer A in quantity X or Offer B in quantity Y.

Loyalty programme and level

Loyalty programmes based on conditions. You can define loyalty levels to which the customer must belong in order to satisfy the condition.

Example: The customer must have the flight loyalty programme and must have the Silver or Gold loyalty levels.

Subscription type

Condition based on a list of subscriptions. The customer must have (or not) a subscription in the given list of subscriptions.

Examples: The customer must have an S subscription to be eligible for this promotion. The customer must not have an R or S subscription to be eligible for this promotion.

Subscription preference

Condition based on a subscription preference.

Example: For an annual subscription, the customer chooses to pay annually (instead of monthly).

Product type and quantity

Condition based on a product belonging to an offer. You can define a minimum quantity of the product to satisfy the condition.

Example: If your basket contains an offer with Product P in quantity X.

Product attribute

Condition based on certain product attributes. These attributes are the family, sub-family, category and labels.

Example: If your basket contains an offer with Product P of family X in quantity N.

Product group

Condition based on the existence of certain products. These products are checked against the attribute family, sub-family, category and labels.

Example: If your basket contains an offer comprising a Product P of family X in quantity N and another offer comprising a Product Q of category Y.

Payment method

Condition based on a payment method. Payment methods must first be defined in Gridbees.

Example: If the basket is paid for using your account wallet or credit card.

Delivery method

Condition based on delivery methods. Delivery methods must first be defined in Gridbees.

Example: If the delivery method chosen is DLV1 or DLV2.

Business contributor

Condition based on a list of suppliers. The basket is sold by a given list of merchants.

Example: The basket comes from the sales tool of your Merchant A.

Frequency type

Condition based on the days and times of the week of the purchase.

Example: The purchase is made on Monday or Friday between 10:00 and 11:00.

Channel type

Condition based on the shopping basket channel.

Example: If the basket comes from Channel A or Channel B.

Application type

Condition based on the application sending the basket.

Example: If the basket comes from Application A or Application B.

Conditions for Tour Operators

Passenger type

Condition based on the type of passenger.

Example: There are X adults and Y children.

Language type

Condition based on language.

Example: If the basket is for english speaking customers.

Travel date

Condition based on the date of the trip or activity.

Example: If the date of the trip is between date1 and date2 and it is a Monday or Friday.

Behaviours rules

If all the conditions of the rule are met for the entry basket, the pricing service will trigger all the behaviours linked to that rule.

These behaviours can be:

  • an increase (reverse promotion) or decrease (promotion) in the price
  • calculating commissions or discounts on commissions
  • calculating costs (delivery, service, collection, etc.) and discounts on these costs
  • addition of new lines to the basket (in the case of gifts, for example)

Generic behaviours

Basket discount

A rule for calculating a price value to be applied to the total amount to be paid. This value is signed according to the isreversed flag.

If the isreversed flag is not set, the value is a discount and will reduce the total amount payable, otherwise the value will increase the total amount payable. If the Loyalty cash flag is set, the discount value will not reduce the total amount payable, but will increase the amount in the loyalty portfolio.

Certain basket lines can be filtered before the amount is calculated.

Example: 10% discount on the basket limited to product family A. A discount of 50 euros for a purchase of 500 euros. A price change to 35 euros on family product B.

Amounts on lines

Some conditions are dedicated to the selection of specific lines in the basket. For example, with a condition such as "For each line with an amount50 euros", each eligible line will trigger the behaviour. This means that if two lines are eligible, all the promotional behaviour will be applied to the first line, and then to the second line.

This behaviour is a rule for calculating a price value to be applied to the total amount to be paid for a selected basket line. This value is signed according to the isreversed indicator.

If the isreversed flag is not set, the value is a discount and will reduce the total amount payable, otherwise the value will increase the total amount payable.

Example: 10% discount on the line limited to product family A. 50 discount on the line. Line price increased to €35.

The cheapest

This behaviour allows you to select certain basket lines and apply a discount to the cheapest one at each stage.

Example: 10% discount on the cheapest line in the basket. For any offer in family B, the second at half price, or the fourth is free. This means a 50% discount in steps of 2.

Charge advantage

Charges are more often company-specific rules. This behaviour allows you to define a discount on charges or directly define a new charge value.

Example: 10% discount on charges for all products in family A. 100 euro discount if basket value exceeds 1000 euro. Free charges : define charges = 0.00.

Add a product

This behaviour modifies the basket by adding a new line to the offer basket.

If the isautomatic flag is set, the new line will be added automatically once the conditions have been met. In this case, if the offer was already in the input basket, only the discount will be applied.

If the isautomatic flag is not set, the discount will only be applied if the offer was already in the shopping basket.

Example: Add Offer P free of charge. Add Offer P with 50% discount.

Grouped products

This behaviour filters certain lines in the basket to apply a separate discount per filtered line. The discount will only be applied if all the lines to be grouped belong to the filtered lines.

These lines are filtered on the basis of certain properties that need to be configured:

  • the type of attribute (family, sub-family, category, label)
  • the value of the attribute
  • the quantity to satisfy
  • the percentage discount to be applied

Example: There is a family A offer in quantity 2 and a category B offer in quantity 3 . Apply a 15% discount to family offer A and a 20% discount to category offer B.

Deferred coupon

This behaviour consists of automatically generating a coupon based on a campaign, once the order has been confirmed.

The coupon to be created must come from another campaign-type promotion.

It is also possible to use the e-mail template management tool to create an e-mail, merge the new coupon and automatically send the e-mail to the customer.

This behaviour is mainly used to send a new coupon, once the purchase has been made, to invite the customer to come back and buy again.

Example: If your order is confirmed, you will receive an email with a coupon. With this coupon, you will receive a 25% discount on your next purchase.

Subscription advantage

This behaviour applies a percentage or an amount discount to the recurring payment.

Example: Subscribe to offer A, get a 15% discount if you choose to pay annually.

Behaviours for Tour Operators

Passenger advantage

A rule for calculating a price value to be applied to the amount to be paid per passenger type. This value is signed according to the isreversed flag.

If the isreversed flag is not set, the value is a discount and will reduce the total amount to be paid, otherwise the value will increase the total amount to be paid.

Example: 30% discount on all adult passengers and 50% discount on children. Add 20 euros for adult passengers and 10 euros for children.

Passenger commission

Condition based on language.

Example: If the basket is for english speaking customers.